Netpay Reports Viewer

Access to everything you need is just a click away

Life should always be this easy

The Netpay Reports Viewer allows you to review our reporting module, which contains a copy of every payroll report, check stub, W-2, 1099, earning record, and payroll tax return processed for the period selected -- monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Clients can also request a CD that contains a complete historical copy of all payrolls for monthly, quarterly, or annual periods.

Screenshot of Netpay Reports Viewer

Downloads for Businesses

These forms will cover your payroll processing bases and provide
the foundation for your state and federal taxes

Form SS4

Form SS4 is the IRS's Application for an Employer Identification Number(EIN).

Form W9

Form W9 is used to register independent contractors working with you to the IRS.

Form W4

Form W4 from the IRS is for registering your full-time employees with the IRS.

NetPay Signature Form

Our signature form is the first step for new clients and is provided to all new clients.

EDD Registration Form

Businesses in CA report employees to the state with the EDD's Registration for Commercial Employers.

Employment Eligibility

This form is used by the IRS to verify an employee is eligible to work in the United States.

Netpay's free payroll calculator

Do you need to run some quick calculations, plan ahead, or check your math?
Check out our free payroll calculator, located in our clients portal

Workers Comp Downloads

For those of you seeking to offer Workers Compensation to your staff, we've also compiled a list
of helpful files from the Federal Government.

Common Questions

A helpful FAQ from the federal government about workers compensation.

Notice Poster

Display this poster in your workplace to inform your employees about workers comp.

New Hire Pamphlet

This document can be provided to all new hires in accordance with Workers Compensation laws.

Did you know you are required by law to display labor law posters?

We make compliance easy with our up-to-date state and federal labor law posters.

Insurance Downloads

We've put together a set of government-issued documents which you as an employer must provide to your employees... helping you avoid penalties for non-compliance.

Health Care Census

This download is for assessing your company's current health care needs.

WorkersComp Quote

This form helps you collect the info you'd need for a Workers Comp Quote.

Liability Quote

This form helps you collect the info you'd need for a Business Liability Quote.

Affordable Care Act Kit

We've put together a set of government-issued documents which you as an employer must provide to your employees... helping you avoid penalties for non-compliance.

ACA Requirements

A detailed overview of all required preventative medical services for ACA regulations.

Notices in English

This download contains two files -- one for employees with insurance and another for those without.

Notices in Spanish

This download is the Spanish-language version of the preceding package.