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Experts estimate that Americans will need 70 to 90 percent of their pre-retirement income to maintain their current standard of living when they stop working.  As an employer, you have an important role to play in helping America’s workers save.

You know you need excellent benefits in order to attract, reward and retain exceptional employees.  You know that you need to keep these benefits costs reasonable and under control.  You also know that you don’t want the complexities of monitoring this program taking up your and your staff’s valuable work time.

At Netpay, we can help you establish and service the following types of Retirement Plans:

401(k) 403(b) 457 Profit Sharing
Defined Benefit Cash Balance Simple 401(k) Simple IRA/SEP

Contact your Netpay Specialist today for more information, or click on the “Free Quote” link for a custom tailored Retirement Plan Quote.

California Insurance License 0H08196
Securities offered through Royal Alliance.
113 West Main Street #228, Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone (626) 588-2417

Contact one of our specially-trained professionals to discuss our Ultimate Retirement Plan Solution, a comprehensive, evolutionary process that’s built around simplicity, focus, and balance.

We work with several of the most well respected and recognizable Retirement Plans:

alerusamerican fundsascensusfidelity
john hancockmassmutualprincipalsecurian